Registration for the upcoming Gordon Research Conference on Consciousness, Anesthesia and Evolutionary Biology is open!
Join us in Italy, 26-31 January 2025, for the second Consciousness, Anesthesia and Evolutionary Biology Gordon Research Conference!
Submit your abstracts, check out the speakers, and register here:
Abstract submission deadline is December 29th!
Farewell dinner at Long Wharf for Dr. David Obert before he heads back to TUM in Munich and a warm welcome to our summer students!
Taking the ferry to the lab dinner!
New Publication: Learn how dopaminergic agents affect arousal and memory under low-dose sevoflurane in this article to be published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia.
Welcome to the Solt Lab, Eric Smith! And congratulations on receiving the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship (MSARF)!
Fourth year medical student, Eric Smith, joins the lab through the FAER MSAER Summer Program, June 2024
Welcome to the Solt Lab, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Jinyoung Choi!
Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Jinyoung Choi, PhD joins the Solt Lab, June 2024
New Publication: Research from the Solt Lab published in the journal Brain Stimulation reveals that deep brain stimulation of the ventral tegmental area rapidly restores consciousness from mechanistically diverse anesthetic and sedative agents. Congrats to co-first authors, Edlyn Zhang and Kathleen Vincent and the whole team!
Deep brain stimulation in the ventral tegmental area restores consciousness from sevoflurane-, dexmedetomidine-, and fentanyl-induced unconsciousness. Read the whole paper here.
The Solt Lab is currently searching for postdoctoral fellows to join the team!
New Publication: Need a primer on how dopaminergic circuits modulate anesthetic emergence? Check out this latest review by Drs. Kathleen Vincent and Ken Solt published this month in Current Opinion in Anesthesiology titled “Modulating anesthetic emergence with pathway-selective dopamine signaling“.
Congratulations to Dr. David Obert for being this year’s William L. Young Neuroscience Research Award Winner for his proposal titled “Identification of drug specific arousal circuits in the midbrain for anesthetic reversal“!
New Publication: Does a rat’s estrous cycle impact how she will respond to general anesthesia? Read about it in our paper titled “Oestrous cycle affects emergence from anaesthesia with dexmedetomidine, but not propofol, isoflurane, or sevoflurane, in female rats“ published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia this month. Congrats to Dr. Kathleen Vincent and all contributing authors!
Great success at the inaugural Gordon Research Conference on "Consciousness, Anesthesia and Evolutionary Biology"! Congrats to both Drs. Max Kelz and Ken Solt for putting together a phenomenal program. We hope to see you all again in Tuscany, January 2025!
Inaugural “Consiousness, Anesthesia, and Evolutionary Biology” GRC at Stonehill College, MA
Welcome to research fellow, Dr. David Obert, MD, joining the Solt Lab from The Neuromonitoring Lab at the Technical University of Munich!
Research Fellow, Dr. David Obert, MD, joins the Solt Lab in January 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Kathleen Vincent on receiving the K99 Pathway to Independence Award under the mentorship of Dr. Ken Solt for her proposal titled “Neural Circuits Underlying Postoperative Delirium in Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease”!
Welcome to the Solt Lab’s latest member and recent Amherst College graduate: Gwi Park!
New Publication: Read about how rats perform on a touchscreen attention task following general anesthesia in the Solt lab’s recent Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience article, “Return of the Righting Reflex Does Not Portend Recovery of Cognitive Function in Anesthetized Rats“. Congrats to the whole Solt Lab team!
New Publication: Drs. Olivia Moody, Kathleen Vincent, and Ken Solt published an editorial “Sex, drugs, and anaesthesia research"“ in the British Journal of Anaesthesia! This editorial highlights the work of Joksimovic et al. which demonstrated sex differences in sensitivity to a novel neurosteroid anesthetic and emphasizes the importance of including sex as a biological variable in anesthesia research. Congratulations!
Farewell to our lovely undergraduate summer students Victoria Stewart and Emmaline Dillon! Thank you both for all your hard work, and best of luck with your studies!
New Publication: Dr. Risako Kato’s paper “D-Amphetamine Rapidly Reverses Dexmedetomidine-Induced Unconsciousness in Rats” published in Frontiers in Pharmacology! Congrats to Risako and all authors!
Welcome to the Solt lab’s undergraduate summer student interns Emmaline Dillon and Victoria Stewart!
Victoria G. Stewart, BS ‘22
Emmaline Dillon, BS ‘23
Welcome & celebratory lunch at Pier 6!
Drs. Risako Kato and Ken Solt published an editorial “Prehabilitation With Brain Stimulation?” in Anesthesia & Analgesia! Congrats to both!
Our team’s narrative review article “The Neural Circuits Underlying General Anesthesia and Sleep” led by Dr. Olivia Moody published in Anesthesia & Analgesia! Congratulations to all authors!
Congratulations to Dr. Michael Fettiplace, who will be joining the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital as new faculty in July 2021!
Ksenia Vlasov’s paper “Activation of GABAergic Neurons in the Rostromedial Tegmental Nucleus and Other Brainstem Regions Promotes Sedation and Facilitates Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Mice” published in Anesthesia & Analgesia! Congratulations to all authors!
Welcome to clinical fellow Dr. Michael Fettiplace, MD, PhD!
Dr. Olivia Moody’s paper “D-Amphetamine Accelerates Recovery of Consciousness and Respiratory Drive After High-Dose Fentanyl in Rats” published in Frontiers in Pharmacology! Congratulations to Olivia, Ken, Edlyn, Risako, and colleagues!
Welcome to visiting medical student Angel Cho (Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine)!
Dr. Ken Solt’s article “The brain rhythms that detach us from reality” published in Nature! Congratulations to Ken and Dr. Akeju!
Welcome to the new Solt Lab website—click around and explore!